If there were one daily change you could make to improve your health without costing you much time or money, I would choose good-quality water.

If there were one skincare routine that you could stick to with heaps of punch and little effort, I would choose good quality water.

If there were one nutrient you could buy that would give you a bang for your buck, I would choose good quality water.

We only invest in change generally if we are motivated by understanding the ‘why’.

There is a lot of chatter about the need for lots of water; however, more is needed about the quality and quantity that fits your needs and why it is essential. 

Water is critical within our body for Oxygen transport, Protein Structure and Function, Cell hydration and cell function.  

Our body is over 70% water because it is so vital to the function of all organs and systems, from the smallest cell to the largest organ, the skin.

  • Acting as a solvent for salts, glucose, and amino acids.
  • Carries nutrients and waste products.
  • Assists Thermoregulation (body temperature)
  • It acts as a lubricant.
  • Provides shock absorption.
  • Reinforces the structural integrity of proteins.
  • It helps regulate Blood Pressure
  • Assists cognitive function.
  • Facilitates healthy bowel movements.
  • Necessary for the integrity and function of Mucous membranes in the nose, mouth, throat and vagina.

Monitoring your inflow and outflow is the best way to gauge how much water your body needs. This can be tricky, and there are a few things to consider.

If you have not been drinking enough until now,

your body may try to retain as its way to offset drought. It may take to time for it to be sure.

It may cause you to pee more regularly: This may mean that you don’t retain water very well, and you may need to add electrolytes or salt to enable your body to hold it.

Night-time toilet visits are often not linked to excess water intake; more often, this is a sign of Insulin resistance.

When all is in balance, you will urinate around seven times daily, including the morning void. Whilst the first void of the day may be coloured, the remainder should be a decent volume, very pale and non-odorous. As a rule of thumb, if you have not peed four times by lunch, you need to up the intake.

Everything in Moderation, Including Moderation: Over-intake can be as harmful as under-intake, stripping you of vital salts, electrolytes and nutrients.

Water vs Water:

Quality is important; the quality of our tap water is often, at the very least, questionable and compromised. Bottled water, as we know, is often not much better due to the process and containers which leach health and hormone-altering chemicals. Fluoride, whilst a vital nutrient, does not come in a viable form in our water supply, creating Thyroid and other problems. The quality of our pipes also needs consideration for this reason, especially in older homes with copper pipes. Consider where your water comes from, where it’s been and what it may have picked up on the way. 

Water Temperature:

When choosing the water temperature, consider the effect of hot and cold on your organs, especially your digestive system; you are not looking for it to seize up from the cold. Body or room temperature water is the best in summer, and warmer water is for winter.

Water: It is the most basic and therapeutic nutrient for your health.