Vitamin D … It is not all about the Sun.

Vitamin D is not just about getting enough Sun in the safe times of the day, though lack of Sun exposure will lead to a deficiency as it does in many countries where the Sun does not show itself enough.

In Australia, we are the lucky country in terms of the amount of Sun we can get naturally through daily life. Why is it, then, that many of us are deficient?

Vitamin D is both a vitamin and a hormone produced in the skin from Sun exposure and other factors.

Several factors will significantly impact our ability to absorb and convert. Auto-immune disease is a classic example of where this occurs. In these cases, the body is unable to convert and dependent on whether the auto-immune can be reversed or controlled enough will depend on the need for long-term supplementation. Like low Iron, it will take at least three months of supplementation to regain ideal status. Please obtain advice on dosage ahead of time.

Availability, excess and deficiency of synergistic nutrients, integrity and function of Vitamin D receptors and function of the liver and kidneys will critically impact the body’s ability to absorb, convert and metabolise.

Metabolism of vitamin D occurs predominantly in the liver and kidneys, converting it to both its circulating form (25(OH)D) and hormonal form (1,25(OH)2D). Other organs and systems, including the parathyroid gland, prostate, breast, skin, immune system, and intestines, then utilise it. Other nutrients, such as Calcium, depend on adequate Vitamin D levels for absorption (synergistic nutrient). In regards to Calcium absorption, Vitamin D is quite often the culprit.

The ideal range for Vitamin D is greater than 125. Values less than this are found in most disease states, with it being unclear whether this is purely cause or effect. According to pathology labs, the current average or ‘acceptable’ range is greater than 49, which is questionable.

In an ideal situation, once our levels have reached the ideal level, we can, with conscientiousness, maintain those levels through both exposure and intake. However, this is rarely the case with the current levels of Auto-immune.

Will our learnt behaviours and beliefs around sun safety, quality, and quantity impact our current levels?

Now, we must decide if these behaviours serve us or counteract our intent. 

Are you getting enough?